Monday 31 October 2011

10 Tips to Improve iPhone 4S Battery Life

Apple users have been complaining about battery problems on the new iPhone 4S, noting rapid battery drain and other glitches in the new iOS 5 software.

here are the top ten tips from the Apple support boards on how to improve battery life and stop so many system bugs in the new iOS 5 software. Hopefully, these tips will help stop batteries from draining so rapidly as Apple works to solve problem with the bugs in its new mobile OS.

Top Ten Tips to Reduce iPhone 4S Battery Problems:

1. Turn Off "Setting Time Zone"

Go to Settings -> Location Services -> System Services. Click the option to turn off "Time Zone Settings." Once you've turned it off, your battery life may improve by as much as 40%.

2. Turn Off Wi-Fi

Another big drain on iPhone 4S batteries is wireless Internet (Wi-Fi) technology. With Wi-Fi on constantly, battery life is always being drained. Go to Settings and turn off the Wi-Fi option, and battery life should improve by up to 25%.

3. Turn Off All The Location Services

Things like "Find My Friends," "Find My iPhone," and the battery-sucking Siri app all use location-based services. Head over to Settings -> Location Services and turn off anything you don't regularly use.

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4. Switch From Vibration Setting

You would think having your phone on "vibrate" might save battery power, since you're not having the Apple product use the ringer. Instead, vibrating your phone can sometimes drain the battery faster, especially if you use it for other things as well. To turn off the vibration, go to Settings -> Sounds.

5. Set Brightness Level at Medium or Low, Not Auto or High

Keeping your iPhone 4S brightness on "Auto" means that when it's dark, your screen automatically increases its brightness, which drains the battery and can lead to more long-term battery problems. Keep brightness at medium or even low, and never set it on high.

6. Turn Notifications Off

Notifications are one of the best and most convenient things about the iPhone 4S and iOS 5, but it costs users a lot of battery power. Turning off your push notifications -- or all of your notifications -- will save you some battery life in the short term and in the long run. Go to Settings -> Notifications, and click Off for any unneeded app notifications on your Apple product.

7. Turn Off iCloud

Doing this means you'll lose all the iCloud features that come with iOS 5, but it will save you a lot of battery by disabling all of the syncing features that iCloud uses on iOS 5. Go to Settings -> iCloud -> Documents & Data, and change Use Cellular to Off.

8. Turn Diagnostics and Usage Reports Off

If you have enabled diagnostics and are still experiencing battery loss, stop sending Apple your information. Sending out that much data will drain battery life, and lead to more battery problems for your iPhone 4S. To disable diagnostics and usage reports, go to Settings -> General -> About -> Diagnostics & Usage, and click Don't Send.

9. Disable Bluetooth.

Like Vibrations and Brightness, this is a setting you don't think will affect your battery power as much as it does. To turn it off, go to Settings -> General -> Bluetooth -> Off.

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10. Complete Restore

If all the above tips aren't helping you, you may have to fix your battery problems by resetting Network Settings on your iPhone 4S or iOS 5. Be sure to save all information beforehand, because restoring it to factory settings will erase passwords, VPN, and APN settings, as well as any information you've saved. Go to Settings -> Reset -> Reset Network Settings to restore your Apple device.

Thursday 20 October 2011

10 Features We Want For iPad 3

Is it too early to start talking about the iPad 3? We don’t think so! Apple announced the iPad 2 in January of this year, so it follows that iPad 3 will make headlines in just a few months. Here are the 10 upgrades we want most.

The second generation iPad gave us built-in cameras for photos, video, and FaceTime; a significantly faster processor; and an overall thinner, lighter device. Then we got iOS 5 just last week, which has brought a lot of upgrades to iDevices that we’ve been waiting (er, begging?) for, like untethered devices that don’t require syncing, and the glory that is iCloud.

But Apple’s next big refresh will undoubtedly be the iPad hardware itself (barring a major update to the MacBook Air before the end of the year, which is certainly possible). So here’s what do we hope to see, along with odds on it actually happening.

1. Retina Display

More than anything else, our most-wanted feature is a stunning, high-definition screen with the same 326 pixels per inch as the iPhone 4. Science tells us that this is well above the pixels-per-inch required to make it impossible for our human eyes to detect pixelization, which makes Apple’s Retina Display screen every bit as sharp as seeing something in the real world with your own eyes. But making a tiny iPhone screen with this kind of resolution is one thing. Making a screen that’s more than four times the size of the iPhone’s with Retina Display is a significantly bigger challenge. But we know Apple’s been working on this for a while now, and iPad 3 should be when it finally makes its debut. Imagine the possibilities for gaming, photography, video, and ebooks with true HD on a tablet-sized screen.
Odds: 90%. It’s not guaranteed, but it’s pretty darn close.

2. New Camera

The iPad 2′s camera is decent, but nothing special. The camera on the new iPhone 4S is a thing of beauty, capable of taking truly stunning, high-res images and 1080p HD video. The iPad deserves a camera at least as good, if not better. And the iPad’s additional internal space should make it easy to fit an even better camera in there than what the iPhone 4S has. Hopefully it’ll have a flash, too.
Odds: 100%. A powerful new camera in the iPad 3 is as close to a sure thing as you can get when it comes to Apple.

3. Quad-core A6 Processor

The iPad 2 is already pretty darn fast, but when it comes to personal computing, you’re either the fastest, or you’re forgotten. The iPad 2 gave us the A5 dual-core processor, so it logically follows that iPad 3 will take another big jump in speed. And if it has that rumored Retina Display, it’ll need a quad-core to handle all that high-def imagery.
Odds: 75%. It’s a matter of public record that Apple’s working on a quad-core “A6″ chip. The only question is whether or not it will be ready in time for the next iPad.

4. Thunderbolt

Time was, I’d've loved to have seen a USB port on one side of my iPad, because having to transfer everything via the cord that comes with it for syncing can take quite a while, and kinda sucks. But now that syncing is done wirelessly, the only real draw for connecting my iPad to another device would be the convenience of speedy data transfers. And nothing’s faster than the blazing speeds of Thunderbolt. In conjunction with that crazy fast new processor, Thunderbolt would come in mighty handy — but only if it doesn’t require a funky adapter.
: 50%. It’s still a technology in its infancy, so it simply may not be ready yet. But Apple wants Thunderbolt to overtake USB as the new standard, and there’s no better way to make that happen than by incorporating it into its most popular products.

5. Siri

There’s nothing about the iPhone 4S generating more buzz than Siri, the interactive voice command app that’s built so seamlessly into iOS 5 that it resembles a powerful artificial intelligence. Of course Apple is planning to bring Siri to the iPad, and I’m curious to see if the unique qualities of the iPad will give Siri any different capabilities.
: 100%. Total no-brainer.

6. >64GB of Flash Storage

The iPad has maxed out at 64GB of storage space since it debuted, but with the various forms of media available for the device — music, movies, books, apps — getting bigger and more complex all the time, it’s getting harder and harder to squeeze everything you want onto your tablet. Many users (myself included) find themselves having to pick and choose which media to keep on their iPad at any given time, and frequently having to switch out what’s there. It’s high time Apple crammed at least 128GB in there, though the thought of a 256GB iPad makes me drool unashamedly.
: 60%. It’s all about the size of those flash chipsets. Over time, they grow smaller while maintaining — or increasing — their storage space. Apple will gladly put as much as they can in there, but at the end of the day, it’s kinda out of their hands.

7. Redesigned Form

The original iPad and the iPad 2 look very similar, with that inch-wide bezel on top and some minor variations in curvature on the back. The iPad 2 is thinner and lighter (and comes in white), but from a distance, you’d be hard-pressed to tell a first-gen from a second. Every tablet maker out there, from Amazon to Samsung, has copied Apple’s tablet hardware design. If Apple doesn’t push forward, it won’t be able to keep setting the standard that everyone else follows. Personally, I’d like to see a thinner bezel/frame surrounding the screen that’s part of an all-aluminum unibody. But that’s just me. It could be cool to see flattened sides similar to the iPhone 4, instead of the beveled sides the iPad has now.
Odds: 40%. Apple seems pretty happy with what they have design-wise, and tweaking the form factor will be driven more by the device’s internal features than any aesthetic concerns (even though aesthetics are very important to Apple).

8. Fingerprint-Resistant Screen

This may seem like a small thing, but anybody who’s spent a few hours with an iPad knows exactly what I’m talking about. The iPad is a fingerprint magnet, and can get so bad after just an hour or so of use, that frankly it can be downright embarrassing to whip it out in public, and then have to buff it off with the edge of your shirt. With all the technology available today, there has to be a scientific way to keep those fingerprints at bay, and it’s a feature that’s long overdue.
Odds: 70%. Apple owns a patent for an oil-resistant substance called an “oleophobic,” which we assume they plan to apply to the glass surface of touchscreen devices. The only question is, when will it be ready for prime time?

9. Solar Charging

Apple’s had a major emphasis on going green over the last few years, and what’s greener than harnessing solar energy? The ability to simply lay your iPad in a windowsill to recharge sounds downright progressive, and would make it the world’s greenest tablet.
Odds: 15%. Apple actually has a really cool idea for embedding solar cells beneath a touchscreen, but it’s almost a given that this technology would be implemented in the iPhone before the iPad ever got it.

10. Lower Price

Hey, we can dream.

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Sunday 16 October 2011

iPad 3 is Now Going Into Production

Rumors spread that the iPad 3 has begun its first production run on October 14. Apple has been in the news nonstop as of late with the death of their beloved icon Steve Jobs, the release of iOS 5 (despite its headaches at the moment), iCloud, and hotter sales of the iPhone 4S.

Many users are expecting some revolutionary new features in Apple iPad 3 including new A6 processor, "Retina Display" which would provide resolution upto an unbelievable 2048x1536, etc.

The much awaited Apple iPad3 tablet would arrive by this year end, a financial analyst - Chris Caso, has claimed quoting sources. According to him, the initial production would be in small numbers and is likely to be between 600,000 to one million. The iPad 2 and iPhone 4S are already being labeled as the hot ticket items on people’s wanted lists. Apple’s iPad 3 may be within those numbers, but it’s uncertain at what extent given the reality of fourth quarter sales.

Although a number of tablet makers are launching rival products, including Amazon with the Kindle Fire, Apple’s current closest competitor, Samsung, has been fighting against Apple in court to avoid injunctions on the sales of its devices. It currently faces bans on new tablet sales in only two markets, Germany and Australia, and yesterday had a bit of welcome news when a U.S. District Judge decided not to impose a ban on its new tablets in the U.S. for now.

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Saturday 8 October 2011

Steve Jobs' final weeks

Apple co-founder Steve Jobs died on Wednesday at the age of 56 after a long battle with a rare form of pancreatic cancer. RIP Steve everyone will miss you especially the apple fans!!

Outpourings of sympathy swept across the globe as state leaders, business rivals and fans paid respect to the man who touched the daily lives of countless millions through the Macintosh computer, iPod, iPhone and iPad. 

"A visionary, a creative genuis, will be missed by all especially Apple Inc. Will be remembered for the i-technology, imac, ipod, itunes, iphone and ipad others could only follow R.I.P."

Steve Jobs spent his final weeks as he had spent most of his life - in tight control of his choices, the New York Times reported.

 For Steve, it was all about living life on his own terms and not wasting a moment with things he didn't think were important. He was aware that his time on earth was limited. He wanted control of what he did with the choices that were left."

In his final months, Jobs's home - a large and comfortable but relatively modest brick house in a residential neighborhood - was surrounded by security guards. His driveway's gate was flanked by two black SUVs.

He invited a close friend, the physician Dean Ornish to join him for sushi at one of his favorite restaurants Jin Sho. He said goodbye to longtime colleagues including the venture capitalist John Doerr, the Apple board member Bill Campbell and the Disney Chief Executive Robert A.lger. He offered Apple's executives advice on unveiling the iPhone 4S, which occured Tuesday. He spoke to his viographer, Walter Isaacson. He started a new drug regime, and told some friends that there was reason for hope.

In his final days, he became so weak that it was hard for him to walk up the stairs of his own home anymore, his wife Laurene said.

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Thursday 6 October 2011

Download the Steve Jobs' Video on YouTube to pray for him

I feel so sad to hear the news that Steve Jobs passed away at the age of 56.

I don't want say much more about his achivements, his biography and his products like iPod, iPhone, iPad, Mactonish. I just wanna see the videos he released the new products, new apps, though he just died, I miss him so much already.

I know, there are so many Apple fan who respect and love Steve, I'm one of them, a common person to show my pray for Steve Jobs.

I'm deeply sad about Steve's passing, my thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends. I cry for a man I never met personally but met him through his products he envisioned. It's through these and the Apple he created that he will always be admired, loved and remembered. I'm sure Steve will go to the paradise.

Steve Jobs is the Apple iconic figure forever.

If you also wanna remember Steve with watching the video he released the products freely, just use this YouTube Converter Mac to download and convert any online Video related to Steve to playback.

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Wednesday 5 October 2011

Apple's Steve Jobs, visionary leader, dead at 56

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Steve Jobs, who transformed the worlds of personal computing, music and mobile phones, died on Wednesday at the age of 56 after a years-long battle with pancreatic cancer.

The co-founder of Apple Inc, one of the world's great entrepreneurs, was surrounded by his wife and immediate family when he died in Palo Alto, California. Other details were not immediately available.

His death was announced by Apple and sparked an immediate outpouring of sadness and sympathy from world leaders, competitors and other businessmen including Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

The Silicon Valley icon who gave the world the iPod, iPhone and iPad had stepped down as chief executive of the world's largest technology company in August, handing the reins to long-time lieutenant Tim Cook.

He was deemed the heart and soul of a company that rivals Exxon Mobil as the most valuable in America.

"Steve's brilliance, passion and energy were the source of countless innovations that enrich and improve all of our lives. The world is immeasurably better because of Steve," Apple said in a statement.

"His greatest love was for his wife, Laurene, and his family. Our hearts go out to them and to all who were touched by his extraordinary gifts."

Apple paid homage to their visionary leader by changing their website to a big black-and-white photograph of him with the caption "Steve Jobs: 1955-2011." The flags outside the company's headquarters at 1 Infinite Loop flew at half mast.

Jobs' health had been a controversial topic for years and his battle with a rare form of pancreatic cancer a deep concern to Apple fans and investors.

In past years, even board members have confided to friends their concern that Jobs, in his quest for privacy, was not being forthcoming enough with directors about the true condition of his health.

Now, despite much investor confidence in Cook, who has stood in for his boss during three leaves of absence, there remain concerns about whether Apple would stay a creative force to be reckoned with in the longer term without its visionary.

Jobs died one day after the consumer electronics powerhouse unveiled its latest iPhone, the gadget that transformed mobile communications and catapulted Apple to the highest echelons of the tech world.

His death triggered an immediate outpouring of sympathy.

"The world rarely sees someone who has had the profound impact Steve has had, the effects of which will be felt for many generations to come," Gates said. "For those of us lucky enough to get to work with him, it's been an insanely great honor. I will miss Steve immensely."

Outside an Apple store in New York, mourners laid candles, bouquets of flowers, an apple and an iPod Touch in a makeshift memorial.

"I think half the world found out about his death on an Apple device," said Robbie Sokolowsky, 32, an employee for an online marketing company, who lit a candle outside the store.

Cook said in a statement that Apple planned to hold a celebration of Jobs' life for employees "soon".


A college dropout, Buddhist and son of adoptive parents, Jobs started Apple Computer with friend Steve Wozniak in 1976. The company soon introduced the Apple 1 computer.

But it was the Apple II that became a huge success and gave Apple its position as a critical player in the then-nascent PC industry, culminating in a 1980 initial public offering that made Jobs a multimillionaire.

Despite the subsequent success of the Macintosh computer, Jobs' relationship with top management and the board soured. The company removed most of his powers and then in 1985 he was fired.

Apple's fortunes waned after that. However, its purchase of NeXT -- the computer company Jobs founded after leaving Apple -- in 1997 brought him back into the fold. Later that year, he became interim CEO and in 2000, the company dropped "interim" from his title.

Along the way Jobs also had managed to revolutionize computer animation with his other company, Pixar, but it was the iPhone in 2007 that secured his legacy in the annals of modern technology history.

Forbes estimates Jobs' net worth at $6.1 billion in 2010, placing him in 42nd place on the list of America's richest. It was not immediately known how his estate would be handled.

Six years ago, Jobs had talked about how a sense of his mortality was a major driver behind that vision.

"Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life," Jobs said during a Stanford commencement ceremony in 2005.

"Because almost everything -- all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure -- these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important."

"Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart."

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